With in a month after its launch in Indonesia, Mobile Premier League (MPL), s growing mobile eSports Platform in India today, announced its acquisition of Crevise Technologies Private Limited, a Pune based start-up focused on providing end-to-end product engineering consultation. Crevise Technologies is a three-year-old start-up with expertise in DevOps, Machine Learning and Full Stack Development. This marks Mobile Premier League’s first acquisition in the country since the launch of the company in September 2018.

The deal consists of a combination of cash and equity and is more in the nature of an acquihire. Mukta Apahale and Atul Aphale, who founded Crevise Technologies in 2016, will lead the 10-member MPL team from Pune. MPL and Crevise Technologies have already collaborated in the past with the objective of improving performance and operational efficiency. Through the acquisition, MPL aims to utilize Crevise’s experience in DevOps and reliability engineering to make the platform more robust, agile, and reliable for its users.

Shubham Malhotra, Co-Founder and COO of Mobile Premier League on the acquisition “As a fast-moving company, we are in a continuous deployment mode. We needed a strong team of DevOps engineers to move the delivery capacity up swiftly. Before deciding to bring Crevise Technologies onboard as a part of the MPL team we had a great stint working with them as a client partner. While working with them, we also noticed synergies in work ethics, team values, and cultural fitment, that led us to move towards this acquisition. The team brings their rich end-to-end product engineering capabilities to the table and we are excited to build MPL together.”

“eSports is becoming a mass market phenomenon in India and MPL is spearheading it. We have an amazing opportunity to manage engineering reliability for MPL. Together MPL and Crevise can deliver a better experience to our end customers by supporting the engineering side of MPL’s exponential growth and scale.” said Mukta, Founder and CEO of Crevise Technologies.

MPL recently announced the Series A investment of USD 35.5 Million, led by Sequoia India, Times Internet, and GoVentures with participation from other investors including RTP Global, BeeNext, Base Ventures, and Venture Highway. The funds will enable the seven-month-old mobile gaming platform to invest in product and user growth in India. MPL is currently one of the Playstore's top ranking apps across categories with over 25 million installs making it the fastest growing app in India.

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