
Hyderabad-based Youngistaan Foundation Founder Selected by U.S. Deptt. of State for the Prestigious IVLP Project

Arun Daniel Yellamaty, Founder and Director of Youngistaan Foundation (NGO based out of Hyderabad) is the only person from Telangana & Andhra Pradesh
Hyderabad-based Youngistaan Foundation Founder Selected by U.S. Deptt. of State for the Prestigious IVLP Project

Only person from the Telugu speaking states and One in four from India

IVLP project is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and is one of the U.S.

 Government's most prestigious professional exchange programs for foreign opinion leaders. 

Hyderabad, 25th November 2022: Arun Daniel Yellamaty, Founder and Director of Youngistaan Foundation (NGO based out of Hyderabad) is the only person from Telangana & Andhra Pradesh states and one of four from India to be selected for the reputed International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) sponsored by the U.S. Department of State for a 3-week group project entitled "Youth and Civic Engagement – Youth Activism”, and will be visiting multiple states in the United States for the program that starts on November 26th, 2022.

IVLP is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and is one of the U.S. Government's most prestigious professional exchange programs for foreign opinion leaders. The 3-week group project entitled "Youth and Civic Engagement – Youth Activism", consists of participants from India and Pakistan. This program will highlight U.S. efforts to reach out to youth populations to promote economic growth and stable democratic institutions.

Hyderabad-based Youngistaan Foundation Founder Selected by U.S. Deptt. of State for the Prestigious IVLP Project
Arun Daniel Yellamaty

Participants in the three-week visit will examine strategies to facilitate youth political participation, small business development, civil society expansion and grassroots engagement. Meetings, site visits and workshops will explore best practices in fostering alliances, leadership development, strategic planning, business innovation, advocacy, capitalizing on technology and social media, public outreach and engaging volunteer networks.

“I am excited about this new journey filled with learnings, exposure, and knowledge exchange. I look forward to sharing all my experiences and absorbing new learnings from the International Visitor Leadership Project to implement in India. Thanks to the US Consulate in Hyderabad for this wonderful opportunity,” says Arun Daniel Yellamaty.

The project will reach out to the respective youth populations to promote economic growth, reinforce civil society, reduce unemployment, stabilize democratic institutions, and boost cross-border understanding.

Know live updates on Arun's project journey and updates in the USA through his socials - @arunyellamaty (Instagram, Twitter).


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