Despite the creator economy beginning a decade ago, 50+ million people worldwide consider themselves creators of whom 97% aren’t getting paid. Gurugram-based startup LikeMinds, which aims to disrupt the space, today formally unveiled its SaaS platform for community creators that enables them to create value for their members, avoid the hassle of juggling between many tools to manage their community besides being able to monetize. 

The platform with a simple & easy-to-use interface has inbuilt tools for member acquisition, onboarding, retention, moderation, monetization and referrals. The platform drives high engagement and belongingness via chat rooms, events, polls, member directory and rewards. LikeMinds has helped 100+ creators (2000+ in waitlist) including entertainers, fitness & wellness trainers, domain experts, language instructors, life coaches, financial experts, micro-entrepreneurship coaches, exam prep coaches etc. LikeMinds is also planning initiatives like a Course on community management and Community of community creators for education of community creators.

Commenting on the new platform, Nipun Goyal, Founder & CEO, LikeMinds, said -
Social networks have morphed into more ''media `` than''social `` platforms. On top, most creators irrespective of how engaged their audience is, are left out as “ad-driven” platforms only reward top creators and on top have to constantly beat the algorithms to reach their own audience. Or forced to use platforms that are not built for community engagement or creator monetization like Slack, Discord, WhatsApp & Telegram. The pain of managing multiple third-party tools to engage and monetize their community is real and significant. 

With LikeMinds we are aiming to help solve this growing issue of creators and in the process fuel India’s creator’s economy to the next level.” “Only brand funded communities largely sustain in the long term today and the only way to change that is to help community owners become professional and better monetize their communities. Our vision is to give people a place where they develop a sense of belonging through interaction with people having shared interests and eradicate loneliness that current social media platforms rather end up generating,” he further added.

About LikeMinds: 

Gurugram-based LikeMinds was founded in 2020 by Nipun Goyal, IIT Delhi Alumni, previously Co-founder at Curofy, who is also a successful serial entrepreneur and angel investor with 12+ investments including 4 YC-backed venturers. It aims to fuel India’s creator’s economy through it’s SaaS platform that delivers all the tools any community builder/owner needs to effectively manage and monetize their communities. The venture currently has 35 employees and already boasts of 100+ creators as its customers. Custom integrations are also available for creators with existing assets. Do visit for more details.

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