Stree Nidhi, which is promoted jointly by Telangana Panchayat Raj and Rural Development (PR and RD) and Federations of Self Help Group (SHG), has launched B-PoST, a blockchain technology based solution to provide loans and repayments to poor and underprivileged women.
A flagship of Telangana government, StreeNidhi provides timely and affordable credit to the poor SHG members as a part of the overall strategy of the state government's SERP (Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty) for poverty alleviation.
The new blockchain platform, B-PoST (Blockchain – Protection of Stree Nidhi Transactions), will allow record keeping of loan disbursement and repayments of Stree Nidhi for all of its 1.5 lakh members. The Self-Help Group (SHG) member-level credit rating will be derived from these blockchain transactions. The SHG Members may now leverage their credit rating to avail other financial instruments from banks and other institutions.
Currently launched as a pilot project, B-PoST is implemented by Cognitochain, which is a startup based out of Hyderabad. The pilot phase will include 1.5 lakh SHG members of Rajanna District of Telangana.
Notably, Telangana Government and Tech Mahindra along with IBC Media have partnered together to access the Indian Tech startup ecosystem for the T-block accelerator program, that allows startups, that are leveraging strong blockchain use cases, to come up on investible stage.
Source - Telangana Today
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