In a world where everyone has opinions and is ready to give you advice at the drop of a hat, you should only listen to those who have lived the experience that you're looking to live. And, when it comes to career advice, who better to take inspiration than from the "Bill Gates" himself.

Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist, Bill Gates recently took to the 140 characters social networking site Twitter to offer advice to the new graduates getting ready for their journey ahead in life. The richest man in the world, who has been on the Forbes’ top spot for four consecutive years now, was able to pack his rich career advice in just 14 tweets, which can be considered a feet in itself.

Gates' 14 tweets, which some have even called a tweetstorm, offers students advice on how they can avoid making some of the same mistakes that he had made in his career. He also offered the newly graduated an inspiring pep talk about how in order to do well in their future, they need to surround themselves with good people, value family, and always believe within that if there are problems there is a way to solve them. According to Gates, if there is one graduation present he could give to each graduating student this year, it would be to read Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels of Our Nature. He feels that the book is the most inspiring book he has ever read and shows how the world is getting better.

The core of Gates' advice was to get into the science fields, especially artificial intelligence, biosciences and energy. According to him, one needs to use their talents to fix the problems in society and make everyone's life easier and better.

He signed off the tweetstorm by acknowledging that now is a great time to be alive, and everyone should try to make most of it.

Gates is a visionary person, who has worked extremely hard to be where he is today. According to people close to him, he doesn't believe in mere luck or God’s grace, but believes that those who employ intelligence and hard work on a regular basis are the ones who make it big.

[Top Image: Tukaramatthews]

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