Samsung has recently launched the Galaxy Quantum 5 in South Korea. This smartphone is essentially a fortified version of the Galaxy A55, featuring a Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG) chip developed by ID Quantique. This chip enhances security by generating truly random numbers, making encryption and decryption processes more secure and reducing the chances of tampering.

A Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG) is a device that uses quantum mechanics to generate truly random numbers. Unlike classical random number generators, which rely on algorithms and can be predictable, QRNGs leverage the inherent unpredictability of quantum processes.

Samsung Launches Quantum-Powered Secure Smartphone 'Galaxy Quantum 5'

QRNGs typically use quantum phenomena such as the behavior of photons (light particles) passing through a beam splitter or the quantum state of particles. These phenomena are measured, and the results are inherently random due to the principles of quantum mechanics. The measurements are then converted into random numbers, which can be used for various applications.

The QRNG chip in the Galaxy Quantum 5, for example, enhances the security of the device by generating truly random numbers for encryption, making it much harder for hackers to predict or crack the encryption keys.

The Galaxy Quantum 5 secure phone integrates the world’s smallest (width 2.5 x length 2.5mm) Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG) chipset designed by ID Quantique and Samsung’s powerful security platform, Samsung Knox, enabling trusted authentication and encryption of information, including data storage onto external memory.

Key Features of Samsung Galaxy Quantum 5
  • Display: 6.6-inch Super AMOLED with a 120Hz refresh rate
  • Processor: Exynos 1480
  • RAM: 8GB
  • Storage: 128GB (expandable)
  • Cameras: 50MP main, 12MP ultra-wide, 5MP macro, and 32MP front camera
  • Battery: 5000mAh with 25W fast charging
  • Security: Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG) chip
  • Other: IP67 dust and water resistance, 5G, Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.3, NFC, USB Type-C
The Galaxy Quantum 5 is available exclusively in South Korea thrugh SK Telecom and is priced at approximately $465.

This phone is particularly notable for its enhanced security features, making it an excellent choice for users concerned about data privacy and security.

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