
Juice Jacking: A New Cyber Stealing that Empties Bank Account When Smartphones Connect To Charging, RBI Warns

Juice jacking is a type of cyber stealing, where, once your mobile is connected to unknown / unverified charging ports, unknown apps / malware are ins
Juice Jacking: A New Cyber Stealing that Empties Bank Account When Smartphones Connect To Charging, RBI Warns

You may have hardly noticed this, but today big-fatvhackers around the world are stealing people's confidential data by planting 'malware' in public cables or USB ports. This is called 'Juice Jacking'.

Cyber ​​thieves are adopting new tactics every day. Some are cheating people by sending messages on WhatsApp, while some are cheating by sending YouTube video links to like. Juice Jacking is also a type of scam about which very few people know. Many of you may already know about it and many may not know, but this juice jacking can destroy your entire life's earnings in a jiffy. India's central bank, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a warning regarding this.

Let us know what is juice jacking and what is the way to avoid it?

Juice jacking is a type of cyber stealing, where, once your mobile is connected to unknown / unverified charging ports, unknown apps / malware are installed with which, the fraudsters can control / access / steal sensitive data, email, SMS, saved passwords.

Precaution —

Always avoid using public/ unknown charging ports/cables.

When battery of your mobile, tablet or laptop runout at times when you're at public place like a railway station, airport or hotel, and you may start charging the device with the charging cable or USB port you see there, but have you thought that the battery of the device gets charged? Your bank account could be empty or your private messages, emails, mobile passwords or other information could be stolen.

Steps To Follow To Avoid Juice Jacking
  • Never use the pre-installed charging cable in train, airplane or at station-hotels.
  • Don't use the charging cable or port that you get as a promotional gift.
  • Use the original charger and cable that came with your phone.
  • If you are traveling then keep a power bank with you.
  • Use an adapter instead of using the USB port at a charging station.
  • Do not charge phone or any other Gadgets using USB port at hotels. 
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