Does Auto Insurance Cover Slashed Tires?

Just as you hit the road, you notice someone slashed your tires. Do flat tires get replaced by insurance? Damage to your tires is covered if you have comprehensive coverage. Cutting tires is also irrelevant. However, the question of whether or not you should file an insurance claim is a separate issue.

Find out if your insurance will pay for damaged tires by reading on, and then check out our list of top auto insurance companies to get started on your search for better protection. To get free quotes from the best service providers in your area, enter your zip code in the space provided below.

Do insurance companies pay for the cost of replacing tires that have been punctured?

Even if you have accident coverage, the Best California Auto Insurance provider may only pay you the tires' lessened worth. Ultimately, you will receive new tires, but your insurance company will only reimburse you for the amount it would have cost to purchase tires with the same amount of tread remaining.

In most cases, filing a claim with your auto insurer will not result in a "betterment." A car insurance policy's ultimate goal is to restore losses to their pre-accident condition. It's not unheard of for the repaired or replaced item to be of higher quality than the original. We call this progress or enhancement.

If your tires were slashed, restoring your car to its pre-accident condition would entail replacing them with tires with similar mileage and wear and tear. However, replacing them with used tires seems unlikely.

This means that the auto insurance company may ask you to pay the difference between the value of the slashed tires and the cost of new tires based on their mileage and level of wear. To compensate you, many insurance companies only pay out the tire's depreciated value rather than the total price of brand new tires if you file a claim like this.

Comprehensive insurance costs only about $190 per year. Damage caused by animals, water, fire, hail, and vandalism are covered by comprehensive insurance policies, and theft replacement costs are up to the policy's maximum.

What is the policy's stance on three slashed tires?

Yes, your policy will cover three or four flats because there is no cap on how many tires can be damaged before your comprehensive coverage kicks in. There's a common misunderstanding that the owner can't file a claim with their insurer if three of a car's tires are punctured. On the contrary, the opposite is true.

Learn How Your Insurance Policy Treats Punctured Tires

Reduced responsibility Auto insurance, also called basic vehicle insurance, does not pay for damaged tires.

Losses and damages sustained by others as a result of an accident you cause are compensated for by bodily injury and property damage liability insurance.

Punctured tires can result from vandalism or bad luck on the road. If your tires get slashed, and another driver didn't cause it, you won't be able to collect on any insurance for the damage.

While reading on to find out about how much insurance for slashed tires costs, keep the following in mind:
  • Has someone used a sharp object to damage your car?
  • Is there anything you remember hitting or driving over that may have damaged your vehicle?
  • Did something other than a blowout cause damage to your tires?
Insuring Damaged Tires

The collision and comprehensive coverage options on your auto insurance policy are available in the event of vehicle damage.

The number of slashed tires is irrelevant. If your vehicle insurance deductible is less than the cost of replacing all of your tires, it will cover one to four (or more) tires.

Comprehensive Insurance Cover Vandalism

Comprehensive auto insurance will cover the costs if something happens to your car that isn't a collision. Comprehensive auto insurance will protect you in a disaster like a fire, flood, tornado, or another natural disaster, theft, vandalism, and collision with an animal. Tire slashing is an act of vandalism.

Don't forget that most insurance policies cover the expense of repairing your car to its pre-accident condition. The insurer will subtract a percentage of your car's value to account for the mileage on your tires before they were damaged. You will be provided with brand new tires, albeit you may be expected to contribute to the total price.

Potholes and other forms of artificial damage are covered by collision insurance

Collision insurance safeguards you and your car in the event of a crash. Consequently, this type of insurance may pay for repairs to your tires if you run over a pothole or a road spike.

Ensure your collision coverage includes flat tires by checking with your insurance company.


Something unexpected (like having your tires slashed) could happen at any time. For this reason, it is critical to acquire adequate protection at all times.


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