Team Pumpkin, a 360-degrees digital and public relations agency, has announced an exclusive "Leaders of the Future" programme for ten selected employees to sharpen their skills and groom strong leaders. For nine months, the candidates will go through an intensive tailored program that will make them future-ready to take on new responsibilities. The Leaders of the Future initiative aligns with the company's intention to skill employees and develop the leaders of tomorrow from their internal pool.

After a rigorous selection process, ten employees have been identified for the first batch of the prestigious Leaders of the Future program. The modules, which include Self Discovery, Personal Branding, Communication, Industry Updates, Skill Development, will be conducted through intensive training by notable industry/domain experts via interactions, case studies, workshops, group discussions, personalized sessions, and projects.

The selected employees, after careful consideration of various factors, are:
  • Rida Ateeq - Head Public Relations
  • Purvi Dave- Manager Business Development
  • Swati Sanchayi - Manager Content Writing
  • Athira Nair - Creative Strategy Lead
  • Rohit Bagdi - Manager Visual Design
  • Ravi Gupta - Business Head
  • Sandeep Singh Saini - Head Operations
  • Tapan Surana - Finance Head
  • Ganesh Patel - Associate Creative Head
  • Siddhant Menon - Manager Content Writing

The programme structure creates a classroom-like experience within working hours and through interesting learning modules that help attain new skills and aligns each individual's abilities with the organization's aptitudes as a whole.

Team Pumpkin believes that this program will help its young leaders to build on their strengths, overcome their weaknesses and develop a well-rounded personality that will gear them up to take up new challenges as the company scales up in the coming years. Being part of such a prestigious program will add significant value to their resume and equip them to compete for internal career opportunities when they present themselves.

Speaking about the initiative, Swati Nathani, CEO, Team Pumpkin, said -
We realize that as a growing company, we need to invest in our people as they are our greatest assets. The program is like a mini MBA spread over nine months with in-house expertise and industry leaders as guest speakers. It is a long-term investment that will help groom our employees for higher responsibilities in a growing company like ours or any career inclination they choose to pursue in the future. After all, growing human capital is one of the key responsibilities of good leadership, and Team Pumpkin plans to put that into practice with a structured management program. Our upcoming Leaders of the Future are prepping to bring a change to the industry and building their personal brand. Stay tuned to follow their journey to excellence.

Whether it is succession planning, talent retention, and future acquisition or managing the growth challenges as a company scales up, leadership development training is guaranteed to provide rich dividends.


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