In February last year, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) set a world record by launching 104 satellites on board a Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) flight. Jump cut to 25th January, Elon Musk-promoted SpaceX broke this record by launching 143 small satellites.

SpaceX successfully launched its ambitious rideshare mission called Transporter-1, carrying 143 small satellites, and created a new record of launching many satellites from a single rocket. With this launch, SpaceX broke the record set by ISRO in February 2017 for deploying 104 satellites onboard PSLV in a single mission.

The 143 satellites included 133 commercial and government satellites and 10 Starlink satellites of SpaceX.

The launch was part of SpaceX’s SmallSat Rideshare Program mission and the firm’s social media handles shared pictures from the launch. Falcon 9 which has taken part in numerous SpaceX missions in the past flew from Florida to take the 143 satellites of different shapes and sizes to their orbits.

SpaceX is offering to transport packages to earth-orbit for just $1 million.

In a separate development, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, the two richest people in the world, are fighting over altitude of satellites of their own respective ambitious projects related to satellites constellation.

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