
BANGALORE, India, Jan. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- 
  • Sarabhai Award: Sh. Ajay Sawhney, Secretary, MeitY Govt of India
  • Techno-Visionary, Industry Award: Nivruti Rai, Country Head, Intel India and vice president, Data Platforms Group (DPG) at Intel Corporation 
  • Techno-Visionary, Academia Award: Prof. Ramgopal Rao, Director, IIT Delhi 
India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA), the premier industry body for the Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) industry in the country, has today announced its flagship Technovation Award winners for 2019-2020.

Instituted in 2008, the "IESA Technovation Awards" are one of the most recognized awards in the ESDM ecosystem. Each year IESA Technovation awards recognize and honor some of the most innovative and impactful individuals and organizations for their contributions made to India's ESDM industry.

In the leadership awards category, the Techno-Visionary industry award winner is Nivruti Rai, Country Head, Intel India and vice president, Data Platforms Group (DPG) at Intel Corporation; Prof. Ramgopal Rao, Director, IIT Delhi is awarded the Techno-Visionary, Academia award; Professor (Emeritus) A. Paulraj, Arogyaswami Paulraj, Stanford University is awarded the Techno-Visionary, Global award; Aruna Sundararajan, Former Secretary, Government of India is awarded the Techno-Visionary, Public Service award and the apex award of Technovation, Sarabhai Award has been awarded to Sh. Ajay Sawhney, Secretary Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology Government of India.

In the Startup category, Pathshodh & InnAccel in healtrhcare; Hack Labs in Automation; Acceleron Labs in Compute; EVQPoint in Automotive; Devic Earth in Environment; AlphaIC & InCore in Fabless and SINE is chosen as the best incubator in the ecosystem.

In the MSME category, iWave for Services; Skanray for Electronics Products; Saankhya for Semiconductor Products and Sahasra for Manufacturing.

In the Enterprise category, eInfochips for Services; BEL & Genus Power for Electronics Products; AMD for Semiconductor Products; Wistron for Manufacturing.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Satya Gupta, Chairman, IESA and CEO, Seedeyas Innovations said, "At IESA we believe in supporting innovation and the Technovation Awards are a token for recognizing the talent and hard-work of individuals and companies. We are proud to appreciate such determination and to acknowledge these efforts. This year we have good innovation coming to the forefront in various categories especially in healthcare & automation. This surely speaks about our ecosystem, encouraging policies and we applaud the efforts, support the industry and feel this is just the beginning."

Accepting the Sarabhai Award, Sh. Ajay Sawhney, Secretary, MeitY Govt of India said, "It is truly an honor to receive Sarabhai Award at IESA's Technovation Awards. I am thankful to IESA for this recognition. This is the recognition to the Ministry, IT, for the industry that has rallied around the schemes for which we have received amazing response. The next few years look promising and we are just about to come out with a request, an expression of interest for the semiconductor fab and we are ready for the fabless design. We are back in the market soon for more projects for manufacturing of components. Let us make this India's decade in Electronics."

List of winners in various categories of Technovation Awards 2020

Start-Up Awards
Type Category Winner
Start-Ups Health Care Pathshodh InnAccel
Start-Ups Automation Hack Labs
Start-Ups Compute/General Acceleron Labs
Start-Ups Automotive EVQPoint 
Start-Ups Environment Devic Earth
Start-Ups Fabless AlphaIC InCore
Incubators Incubators SINE
MSME Awards
Type Category Winner
MSME Services iWave
MSME Electronics Products Skanray
MSME Semiconductor Products Saankhya
MSME Manufacturing Sahasra
Enterprise Awards
Type Category Winner
Enterprise Services eInfochips
Enterprise Electronics Products BEL Genus Power
Enterprise Semiconductor Products AMD
Enterprise Manufacturing Wistron
Leadership Awards
Techno-Visionary Industry Nivruti Rai, Country Head, Intel India and vice president in the Data Platforms Group (DPG) at Intel Corporation 
Techno-Visionary Academia Prof. Ramgopal Rao, Director, IIT Delhi 
Techno-Visionary Global Professor (Emeritus) A. Paulraj, Arogyaswami Paulraj, Stanford University 
Techno-Visionary Public Service Aruna Sundararajan, Former Secretary, Government of India
Technovation Sarabhai Award Sh. Ajay Sawhney, Secretary Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology Government of India 

About Technovation Awards: 

The ESDM ecosystem is growing significantly in the areas of Semiconductor & Fabless Products, Electronics Products and Manufacturing and Design Services. The Technovation industry awards this year have recognised the contributions in in these areas from large enterprises, MSME companies and start-ups. Start-ups are already playing a big role in creating Self-Reliance in Electronics by developing products using domestic innovations and addressing both local and global challenges.

This year "Technovation Awards" have recognised and honoured the best start-ups in 6 different verticals namely Healthcare, Automation, Environment, Automotive and Computing. Considering the significance of Fabless products and IP companies, it was a decision to have a separate award category for the best fabless start-up in each category. In the individual awards category, IESA Techno-Visionary awards recognize the leaders who have made a long-term impact on the ESDM eco-system. The Techno-Visionary awards are given to leading Techno-Visionaries in 4 categories- Academia, Industry, Public Service & Global, categories. The final and Apex ESDM award IESA Technovation Sarabhai Award, is given to a visionary leader for making seminal contributions and long-term impact for the ESDM Industry.

About India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA): India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA) is the premier industry body committed to the development of a vibrant Indian Semiconductor and Electronics System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) ecosystem representing both domestic and multinational enterprises. IESA has been actively involved in evangelizing the dream of establishing 'Brand India' that is recognized worldwide as a go-to destination for Intelligent Electronics. The vision of IESA is to Make India the global hub for design-led manufacturing in Intelligent Electronics through continued partnership with the Industry, Government and Academia in the Country and Global markets. IESA is working towards promoting Make-in-India & Designed in India products for the global markets, through publishing credible data, networking events and nurturing alliances. IESA works closely with the Government as a knowledge partner on the sector, both at the centre and state level. For more details, visit


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