Researchers in Australia from Monash University, Swinburne University and RMIT University claimed to have logged a data speed of 44.2 terabits per second (Tbps), that is about 5,255 Gigabytes per second, a speed with which you can download 1000 HD movies in less than a second.

[caption id="attachment_145785" align="alignleft" width="300"] Micro-Comb[/caption]

This incredible speed was achieved using a single-piece of tiny device called a "Micro-Comb", which claimed to have replace existing internet infrastructure sometime soon and could hit behemoth of download speeds, providing millions with ample data at the same time, even during the busiest periods.

Researchers said they achieved the new record speed by using micro-comb that replaces around 80 lasers found in some existing telecoms hardware. The micro-comb was planted into and tested - outside the laboratory - using existing infrastructure, similar to that used by Australia's National Broadband Network (NBN).

The result was the highest amount of data ever produced by a single optical chip, which are used in modern fibre-optic broadband systems around the world. The Australian team now hope their findings offer a glimpse into how internet connections could look in the future.

The study says during peak time, internet speed at this rate can be accessible for over 1.8 million houses in Melbourne. In addition to this, billions of people from across the world.

However, the reality might not be quite as shiny as downloading all of Netflix in a blink, but with other potential improvements to internet technology on the horizon, even moderate jumps of several terabits per second over short distances are improvements worth paying attention to.

"And it's not just Netflix we're talking about here – it's the broader scale of what we use our communication networks for," says Monash University computer systems engineer Bill Corcoran.

"This data can be used for self-driving cars and future transportation and it can help the medicine, education, finance and e-commerce industries, as well as enable us to read with our grandchildren from kilometres away."

~ The research was published in Nature Communications.

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