Here comes the good news for the India. Bengaluru, which is known as the center of India's high-tech industry has emerged among the top 25 high-tech cities of the world. Priyank Kharge, Karnataka’s IT & Tourism Minister, and  R.V.Deshpande, Industries & Infrastructure Minister recently applauded the  Bengaluru’s ranking among the 25 most high-tech cities in the world and said it was possible because of the government’s policies and vision.

According to research firm 2thinknow that specializes in analyzing innovative cities, Bengaluru stands at number 19 among the world’s top high tech cities- the only Indian city to figure in the list.

The firm ranked 85 cities keeping 10 factors in mind- number of patents filed per capita, startups, tech venture capitalists, ranking in other innovation datasets, and level of smartphone use.

Bengaluru, which was on the 49th spot last year has managed to grab this position due to the wide availability of talent, thriving ecosystem of investors, easy access to industry experts and the presence of startup accelerators.

The analysis of 2thinknow puts San Francisco, the ‘Silicon Valley’, at number 1 spot, with its population of designers, programmers, startup culture and venture capital scene, whereas The Big Apple comes behind the Silicon Valley.

London, a city with more startups and programmers is listed at No. 3. If sources to be believed, there are currently 34,000 tech businesses in London. The analysis puts Los Angeles at No. 4, Seoul, the city of future at number 5. Taipei in Taiwan, Boston in Massachusetts, Singapore, Toronto, and Chicago make the top 10.

India, whose growth rate is now higher than China’s, is enjoying the same boom that China did during the 1980s, ’90s and early 2000s. Beijing and Shanghai still rank higher than Bengaluru this year, occupying 16th and 17th spots, respectively.

Bengaluru falls behind Montreal, which is the city to be in for industrial designers and for those who want to work in wearable technology and virtual reality sectors.

According to a recent McKinsey survey, India is said to be one of the top countries with a growing population of the millennials. Two million IT professionals, 6 million indirect IT jobs, and $80 billion in IT exports are expanding the tech space here. The ranking for India’s Silicon Valley is expected to go higher next year.

Not only this, in May 2017, a study done by Management Consulting firm Zinnov, listed Bengaluru as a prime destination to set up Internet of Things (IoT) startups. With nearly 52% of the country’s total IoT startups in Bengaluru, the city has emerged on the number spot on the Zinnov list.

Celebrating the moment, Deshpande said: “In 1997, when no one spoke about information technology, not even the Union Government, we brought out the first IT policy. There were, of course, reservations, but we went ahead and created an exclusive department for information technology. This helped develop an eco-system and get institutions such as IIIT-B. All these factors helped.”

The senior Minister added that today more than 400 firms are engaged in R&D in Karnataka, which also offers plenty of talented human resource. “The most important thing is investors have kept confidence with us and in the government’s commitment. We should not rest on this laurel, and we have the potential to rise further in the ranking,” he said.

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