Soon there will be prolific counselling cell for startups and budding entrepreneurs in eastern India. The cell will be launched by the a century-year old premier business association -- Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

J B Pany, Chairman of the Startup and Innovation Taskforce, CII Eastern Region, announced the same at the Financing Innovation organised by CII on Friday.

According to Pany, this is a part of exercise to handhold, mentor and guide prospective investors in terms of financing, funding and technology.

Funding and Financing agencies such as Xelpmoc, GHV Fund & Accelerator, Catapooolt, Unitus Seed Fund, Bhubaneswar Angel Networks, Kolkata Angel Networks, Brandshoot Ventures and Webel venture Capital Fund participated in the CII Financing Innovation.

Earlier, in November 2016, CII had also launched Startup Mentorship Circle - a platform to help connect startups with the global marketplace and showcase their capabilities.

"The meetings were very productive and we expect positive outcomes," said Dipankar Chakrabarti, Co-Chairman, Start-up and Innovation Taskforce, CII Eastern Region.

According to Chakrabarti, Financing Innovation is a special CII initiative which seeks to bridge the gap between the employable and the employed youth through entrepreneurship building. The participants said that mentoring is very important for new innovators. Funding agencies can easily spot the difference between a well mentored innovator and another who has not been coached.

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