Proxy servers are among the most popular tools providing a smoother working process because they are universal and pretty easy to use. They allow for better security, more access to various sources, and many other benefits. At the same time, they allow for saving connection speed and bandwidth if properly used. What can proxies be used for, and why buy residential IP proxy for business?

Residential Proxies: Benefits and Use Cases

Proxy servers – the principle of work

Proxy servers present themselves as mediators in relations between users and hosts. They help provide security, anonymity, and better access to sources despite various restrictions – and, thus, make the work process less troublesome. They also offer great opportunities to control and enhance team management without breaching an employee’s personal space.

In other words, they are versatile tools available for varied purposes, from very specific to very general. However, each server needs to be used separately for each service, so you cannot buy a single option and hope it will perform as several ones. That’s why people divide proxies into types according to various criteria.

How to distinguish proxies?

Proxies are distinguished depending on who uses them, what for, and how. Division by the source of IPs is one of the principal ones to understand the differences in pricing plans as long as servers’ capability. Thus, people know:
  • database proxy IPs – random addresses created by a server to allow people to hide their IPs from being detected and blocked;
  • mobile proxies – real IPs from mobile devices (serve to less range of purposes but are still essential in particular situations);
  • residential proxy addresses – real IPs assigned to computers of people who use Internet Services (the best option for most tasks that require user imitation).
The last option has the broadest usage and is the most desired for many data-collection tasks.

Another classification is a division into private and shared proxies. Privates are also called “dedicated” IPs which means they belong to only one user that can control access to it. Respectively, shared proxies mean the opposite – they are publicly available to anyone who bought the right to access them or gained this opportunity in another way. It is commonly accepted that private proxies are better than shared ones because they allow for more reliable protection and confidence. Both -- shared and private proxies can be divided into a database, mobile, and residential.

Residential proxy servers

This type of proxy server is more reliable from the point of natural behavior imitation. That’s why it is more convenient in most marketing research tasks like SEO monitoring or data logging.


More detailed information about the benefits of residential proxies reveals itself as you look at the underlying feature of this type of proxy. It provides:
  • more opportunities for data collection related to potential customer opinion;
  • better conditions for collecting information on competitors’ websites;
  • enhanced “resistance” against observation tools and bots that block IPs that act suspiciously;
  • more reliability in IP availability – as residential IPs are based on real users’ servers.
Regarding these opportunities, residential servers give considerably greater scope than the other types provide.

Use examples

To see the benefits of residential proxies in action, you can take any sphere of business implementation:
  • complex market research – in general, residential IPs are convenient for most tasks, and for some specific questions, you may need to use mobile servers;
  • verifying how geo-targeted advertising works – choosing varied locations helps reveal where the ads are displayed wrongly and how well they work;
  • the same functionality may help you discover if your website is working well for various locations – it is particularly significant if you offer your services worldwide;
  • gathering SEO data – discovering the rates for diverse territories helps fix your strategy and focus on problematic issues that require particular attention;
  • revealing counterfeits and, thus, protecting your business, reputation, profits, and community.
In other words, residential IPs are versatile for all types of marketing investigation. Moreover, such a complex view may aid you with forming future approaches to developing a business and opening new branches.

SOAX provider is included in the top list of companies that offer the best range of services on the market. Unlike well-known and long-established companies that all of us know, SOAX is relatively new to the proxy market but during the last couple of years, the company improved significantly its service variety and quality. Such sources as Proxyway and Trustpilot recognized SOAX’s rapid development and top service, which you can see in their rates.

While choosing a proxy type and provider, you should remember the fundamental task you need to deal with. It can give you a hint on what proxy services you need to pay for and which company offers the best deal. Use SOAX opportunities for your benefit and see the quality!


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