Yesterday, Union Minister of Ayush Sarbanand Sonowal has launched the ‘Y-Break’ mobile application in an event at Vigyan Bhawan

Thoughtfully designed & developed by Ministry of Ayush, the Y Break mobile application is a 5-minute Yoga protocol, especially designed for working professionals to de-stress, refresh and re-focus at their workplace to increase their productivity, consists of Asanas, Pranayam and Dhyana.

Y Break Mobile App Screenshots

Listing the benefits of Yoga, Shri Sarbananda Sonowal said, "We know that the corporate professionals often experience stress and also physical problems due to their occupation. Of course, the other professions are also not exempted from such problems. Keeping in view the working population this Y-break has been developed, which will give the employees some solace at the workplace. This Y-break, if practiced sincerely, is going to play a major role in the maintenance of the health of the people."

The Yoga protocol in the Y-Break application comprises of a few simple Yogic practices as follows:
  1. Tadasana - Urdhva-hastottanasana - Tadasana
  2. Skandha chakra- Uttanamandukasana -- Kati Chakrasana
  3. Ardhachakrasana - PrasaritaPadottanasana - Deep Breathing
  4. Nadishodhana Pranayama
  5. Bhramari Pranayama - Dhyana

Further, each minute is a carefully designed component, with details as follows :
  1. In the first minute, the practitioner starts in a standing position with Urdhva-hastottanasana (lateral bending) followed by Tadasana (upward stretch)
  2. In the second minute, practice Skandhachalana (shoulder rotation) followed by Uttanamandukasana (shoulder stretch).
  3. In the third minute, Ardhachakrasana (backward bend) is followed by Padottanasana (forward bend).
  4. The fourth minute is dedicated to Nadishodhana pranayama (alternate nostril breathing).
  5. In the fifth minute, Bhramari pranayama (humming bee breathing) followed by Dhyana (meditation).
The 'Y-Break' app launch event was also attended by Dr. Jitendra Singh, Minister of State (I/c) Science &Technology and Earth Science. He said --- 
We are using digital technology in promoting Yoga is really worth appreciating. I urge Union Law Minister to enact a law on Yoga for 5 minutes at the workplace so that people can take advantage of it.

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