Continuing with its stated goal to democratize maths learning, leading edtech startup Countingwell today announced the launch of its Certification Program in Mathematical Foundations for Data Science. The nine-day program is designed to empower middle school students studying in classes 6th to 8th to use fundamentals of mathematics and apply them to data analysis.

Students will learn the basics of Data Science through Data Collection and Organisation, Data Visualization, Data Analysis and Summary. As an introduction, the program is available free of cost for all eligible students and can be enrolled via the Countingwell app.

"This program will help students develop a strong understanding of data analytics, not just to prepare them for a future career in Data Science, but to make data-driven decisions in any career they pursue," said Nirmal Shah, Cofounder of Countingwell.

Data science is a rewarding and highly sought after career today in India and other countries, with the demand for skilled professionals growing at an average rate of 50%, according to a recent tech hiring trends report by Dice. Data scientists are expected to provide answers to complex business problems, or uncover new insights into a business’ functioning by analyzing and processing vast amounts of raw data. In the US, the median starting salary for data scientists is $95,000, almost double the U.S. median salary average.

"One of our key goals is to get middle-school students introduced to career opportunities and higher learning involving mathematics applications," said Nirmal. “From our interactions with and assessments of these students over time, we realised that there is a critical need to develop analytical mindsets, and higher order thinking skills among these students. This certification programme will allow students to go beyond theoretical or classroom maths to real-life applications and help them develop higher-order thinking skills to align with these applications."

Maths is today widely considered as a necessary foundation of a rewarding career across many professions related to STEM. Fields of coding, AI, economics, data science, Actuarial sciences: all have maths at their core.

“It is imperative to help students become better at this life skill, so they are able to use it effectively in future. Integrating it with Maths learning, helps them understand how they would apply maths in thier careers and day-to-day life. Many students ask the question “why should we learn maths”, and with courses like these, we want to help them dicover the answer," added Nirmal.

The Countingwell Data Science program is available for students in India as well as in the Middle East. To enroll for the program, students can download the Countingwell app. Students will also be given a certificate of completion upon successful completion of the program.

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