Tata Power, Delhi has announced that it will collaborate with Australia-based Power Ledger to launch a pilot project where prosumers (an entity that both consumes and produces solar power) can trade solar power with neighboring buildings. The Peer to Peer (P2P) pilot will run through June 2021 to gather information around trading algorithms including dynamic trading.

Under this pilot project, 150 sites with prosumers having rooftop solar power systems selling excess power to neighbouring residential and commercial consumers. The transaction will take place through Power Ledger’s blockchain technology that offers a near-real-time settlement.

If the pilot passes through, it will open doors to multiple other applications. Underutilized EV charging stations equipped with solar power panels can sell excess power to nearby consumers, or charged EVs can feed power into the grid.

To recall, in December last year, Uttar Pradesh become India's as well as South Asia's first blockchain-enabled Peer to Peer (P2P) Trading of Rooftop Solar Power.

In 2019, BSES in Delhi had announced plans to implement P2P trading of solar power between residential buildings using blockchain technology. However, the current status of this project is unknown.

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