The consumer protection agency in Brazil’s São Paulo state has fined Apple $2 million for failing to include chargers within iPhone 12 boxes, according to 9to5 Mac

Procon-SP, says Apple engaged in "misleading advertising, selling a device without the charger and unfair terms". This is not the first time Procon-SP questioned Apple about its new policy.

In October last year, Apple announced that the iPhone 12 and would not come with chargers or earbuds in their boxes, citing environmental concerns. Procon-SP then questioned the company about it, and in November, the agency said that the iPhone maker "didn’t demonstrate environmental gain."

Now, Procon says that Apple didn’t respond when asked if the iPhone 12’s price was reduced after removing the charger, what’s the price of the iPhone with and without the charger, and if it reduced the number of chargers produced.

While the iPhone 12 mini costs $729 in the U.S., in Brazil the same phone is around $1,200.

Apart from the charger issue, the consumer agency also stated some other issues with the company. On the iOS updates, "it said some users reported ‘problems with some functions’ on their iPhones after updating them, which Apple didn’t help."

"Apple needs to understand that in Brazil there are solid consumer protection laws and institutions. It needs to respect these laws and these institutions," Procon-SP Executive Director, Fernando Capez, is quoted as saying.
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