A senior faculty, Dr. Pranjali Madhur, Associate Professor & HOD-HR at the Universal Business School (UBS), Mumbai and her research team of 15 have recently filed for a patent for inventing IoT based mechanism for manufacturing organic fertilizers for sustainable farming in India.

The details were published with Intellectual Property, India on May 15th 2020 and the team is at present in the process of applying for a grant. 

In a statement, Dr Pranjali said --

This innovation can help make Indian farmers more independent and create awareness related to organic farming and its benefits across India. Our initial research showed that farmers are not aware of the technological innovations that have taken place in the agricultural sector,” she adds. 

How does it work?

  • An automatic sluice-controlled valve fitted with a temporary reservoir to allow all ingredients and a central storage container is fitted with an automatic D.C drive stirring device.
  • Mobile App to monitor the sensors for measuring the Nitrogen, phosphorus, potash and pulsating pump set operated by farmers sitting at home. 
  • The system is sustainable as solar panels fitted for complete power supply to all utilities can inhibit crop growth, increase allergenic pollen production. Surplus nitrogen consumed during crop fertilisation can cause the release of greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The main ingredients of organic fertilizer consist of cattle Sade urine & cow dung mixture, wastewater release from urinals; kitchen rooms form the domestic house and green leaves.

According to her this entire process is self-sustainable and includes solar panels to provide power supply, system to create organic fertilisers and a phone mobile app that any farmer whether literate or not can use from the comfort of his home to monitor the sensors and create and measure the exact proportions of fertiliser contents that are needed to be given to his/her crops."

"We believe that B-schools need to go out of the realm of business and truly impact society and agriculture is one of the key employment generation sectors in India. Our expertise in technology impacting business and the ability to bring innovative solutions at scale into the classroom, allows our students to learn how new solutions can be designed for some of the complex problems facing India" says Tarun Anand, Chairman, UBS.

Data suggests that IOT patent filings have grown significantly over the last few years. As per a recent study conducted by the National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), over 5,000 applications in the IOT domain were filed in the last 5 years. 90% of these IOT manufactures can be attributed to the 'industry sector.'

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