For responsible management of Artificial Intelligence in India, Government think-tank Niti Aayog has proposed setting up an oversight body which will play an enabling role regarding technical, legal, policy and societal aspects of artificial intelligence (AI).

In its draft 'Working Document: Enforcement Mechanisms for Responsible #AIforAll', Niti Aayog said the oversight body must have industry representatives as well as experts from legal, humanities and social science fields.

"Use cases for Artificial Intelligence have emerged across sectors and the technology has shown rapid
growth over recent years. Approach to manage risks cannot be isolated. Such approaches must be highly participatory and must keep pace with technology. Risk across use cases and contexts vary and also evolve over time. One-size-fits-all approach is not sustainable.", said the document.

"A flexible risk-based approach must be adopted. In this regard, the National Strategy for Artificial
Intelligence proposes an Oversight Body.", said the draft.

Oversight body may identify design standards, guidelines and acceptable benchmarks for priority use
cases with sectoral regulators and experts. These may be made mandatory for public sector procurement

The oversight body must play an enabling role under the following broad areas -
  1. Manage and update Principles for responsible AI in India
  2. Research technical, legal,policy, societal issues of AI
  3. Provide clarity on responsible behaviour through design structures, standards, guidelines, etc
  4. Enable access to Responsible AI tools and techniques
  5. Education and Awareness on Responsible AI
  6. Coordinate with various sectoral AI regulators, identify gaps and harmonize policies across sectors
  7. 'Represent India (and other emerging economies) in International AI dialogue.
Besides this, Niti Aayog has also proposed highly participatory advisory body called Council for Ethics and Technology, with a multi-disciplinary composition including Computer Science and AI experts, Legal and relevant sectoral experts, Humanities and Social Science experts , among few others.

Ethical Committees are accountable for enforcement of principles in the AI system’s lifecycle and must ensure the AI system is developed, deployed, operated and maintained in accordance with the Principles.

The Aayog has invited comments on the draft document by stakeholders by December 15.

The Niti Aayog had in June 2020 released a draft paper titled 'Towards Responsible#AIForAll' and had said there is a potential of large scale adoption of AI in a variety of social sectors.

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