AI’s gone from a science fiction dream to a vital part of our daily lives in the last decade. There are artificially intelligent algorithms, but this is just the beginning as the AI can change everything in the future. But, what exactly does AI mean? A better question would be what intelligence is, exactly. The simplest explanation is to collect data and use the data to make short- and long-term predictions. And when we talk about AI in our lives we think about everything, from a computer that can read a handwritten text like an OCR reader to a robot conducting complex surgeries on its own.

Since the AI world is so incredibly large, let’s look at some of the exciting innovations we’re hoping to see in the very near future. In the first place, AI systems are already built to take over thousands if not millions of workers. Any work consisting of a person taking information from other people and inputting it into systems is likely to go out of date, so cashiers, receptionists, telemarketers, and bank tellers are all on their way out. Self-driving vehicles, self-driven drones, and other A-to-B conveyors are more complicated.

We’ll also lose jobs such as truck drivers, postal workers, courier service, factories are also becoming fully automatic, so are car washers and movie theaters. Even jobs such as journalism will be replaced by rapidly improving new algorithms that can gather information and deliver it faster and more accurately.

But as society evolves to embrace a world of all-machine operation, it will also open up new opportunities for the next generations, such as writing software, fixing and maintaining robots, and designing better systems. Most importantly robots are also built to take over risky jobs such as firefighting, mining, drilling deep-sea oil, construction, and other high mortality occupations that will be replaced by machines that can not get sick or injured. We don’t know what an all-AI workforce would look like yet, but many economists expect the future will be a healthier and more fulfilling place with robots taking on slow and risky employment.

As we grow better AI, we discover that it can’t only replace human labor but that it can’t think in ways that humans can’t. Algorithms capable of tracking and analyzing large data volumes and drawing conclusions based on trends that data is capable of altering any avenue of society. Starting from something small like modeling traffic patterns overtime to find out the best routes to take or how to repair roads & highways all the way to something much more serious like tracking and preventing epidemics and diseases before spreading them.

To take your first steps down the artificial intelligence career path, hiring managers will likely require that you hold at least a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and basic computer technology. However, for the most part, bachelor’s degrees will only get you into entry-level positions.

If you’re thinking of going to school to become an AI specialist, then you’ll have to sign up for courses that typically cover the following:

  • Bayesian networking (including neural nets)

  • Computer science (gain coding experience with popular programming languages)

  • Cognitive science theory

  • Engineering

  • Physics

  • Robotics

  • Various level of math (algebra, calculus, logic and algorithms, probability, and statistics)

If you’re already a software engineer, you can quickly become an artificial intelligence developer with a few AI-focused courses, taken at a brick-and-mortar school or an offline or online boot camp.

With technology hitting altitudes never imagined before the world needs experts in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Like nearly major tech firms, artificial intelligence is making huge moves. The future will open up a whole lot of possibilities for us all. There are currently only 10,000 people in the world with the requisite skills, expertise, and ability to create these AI technologies. This creates a huge obstacle to tech firms trying to move forward with this exciting innovation prospect. This has led most tech firms to offer courses online to train people to become experts in this area. Let’s look at a couple more for making a career in Artificial Intelligence:

Microsoft: The software company has launched a new course on its software accreditation system, called Microsoft Training Program, which is dedicated to AI. This course aims at transforming ambitious AI engineer aspirants to skill masters. There are 10 courses in total with each course lasting 8-16 hours. The 10 courses cover a broad variety of subjects including python, data processing, speech recognition, etc. The growing course lasts 3 months and starts at every fifth. Those courses are not safe.

However, the students need to buy certificates from for each course. Once you complete the course you will receive a digitally-sharable Microsoft Professional Program Certificate in AI.

Google: Google launched a new platform for Artificial Intelligence Learning named Learn with Google AI. The website has many interactive features to inform even a beginner about AI and ML. As soon as you reach the website, it filters content by asking you about your prior knowledge of the subject, it also allows you to choose the type of content from which you want to learn. Visit the website:

Read the complete Blog here: Career in Artificial Intelligence

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