Since 2014, the Biomedical Engineering and Technology incubation Centre (BETiC) at IIT Bombay, COE Pune, and VNIT Nagpur have brought doctors and engineers together to ensure low-cost medical innovation and impact.

The cycle of innovation begins with a number of medical problems proposed by doctors and novel ideas generated by the inter-disciplinary teams of innovators at MEDHA - Medical Device Hackathon. Here, participants watch curated videos of clinical problems and team up to create solutions. Each team comprises of doctors, designers, and engineers (mechanical and electronics). They brainstorm, sketch and create innovative fabricated prototypes. All
teams presenting working prototypes receive prizes. Top innovators win a chance to acquire advanced training and a fellowship where their ideas can then be materialized. Until now, 8 MEDHA Hackathons have been conducted in various cities across Maharashtra.

This year, BETiC has collaborated with the Haffkine Institute of Testing, Research & Training in Mumbai, Venture Centre in Pune and G.H. Raisoni College of Engineering in Nagpur to host MEDHA on separate weekends in July.

"MEDHA brings together doctors who pose unmet needs and engineers who are keen to work in the healthcare field. They work continuously over a weekend to create proofs-of-concept of novel medical devices for diagnosis or treatment. These ideas can be taken forward at various BETiC centers or other interested institutes to develop the products and take them to the market through a startup company or licensing to industry. In the last four years, our team members filed 50 patents and licensed 12 of them to startups and the industry. Many of these
ideas originated in MEDHA,” says Prof. B. Ravi, the Founder of BETiC.

Interested candidates are required to pre-register before the 25th of June 2019 on the BETiC website by uploading their bio-data and portfolio of creative work, based on which they will be short-listed, interviewed and selected. Selected candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 1000.

For registrations and more information, visit - opportunities - MEDHA 2019 in order to pre-register and opt for the location. Details of the selection process will be communicated via E-mail.
Write to: for additional details.

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