Convenience and flexibility of technology have tremendously boosted the rate at which websites are launching and gaining traction online. alone has made it increasingly easy for website owners, small business owners, and large enterprises alike to backup data that matter to them with a promise of convenience and ease of use. However, as friendly as technology might seem to be, some threats and incidences threaten the security of websites through causing data loss, some of which can have negative implications for the reputation of a company.

Typically, data backup methods are highly sorted after for their ability to ensure data storage and security. As a new user, it tends to be overwhelming to wrap your mind around data backup, which is why this article is for you. Here are several tips and tricks you can embrace for data backup:

Have a plan

Every functional process begins with a plan. Create a strategy for how you plan to execute your backup process. The procedure should be precise on the number of people to be involved in the backup and the retrieval processes, so you can adequately limit access to vital information.

At this stage, ensure you choose a data backup solution that suits your business. Whether you settle for hard drives, cloud-based backups or Network Attached Storage, ensure the method is scalable to accommodate for the anticipated data growth and is reliable for both storage and security,

Frequently back up your data

As random and obvious as this seems, often backing up your information is the safest option you have to ensure you store your data safely. While there is not a predetermined frequency recommended for users, the rate you settle on should complement the needs of your venture concerning the amount of data you generate within a specified period.

Ideally, consider doing differential and incremental backups more often than you do full backups.

Do full backups

Although not as frequent as other types of backup, you should always do full backups for your system. Ideally, a copy of your entire system will considerably reduce recovery time should disaster strike that requires a comprehensive restoration of your system, which applies both for file and system backups.

Determine a standard naming and organization format

When backing up data, you do not want to be one of those people that randomly throw files on storage spaces. Determine a standard naming and organization format that allows for easy backup and retrieval of data. You can opt to name files by type, date or size.

Whichever format you decide on, ensure you are consistent with it so you can take care of minor issues like data duplication and misplaced files.

Determine which type of data to backup

Even though most backup solutions are scalable to accommodate data growth unique to every business, it is essential that you determine which kind of data should be backed up.

All data can be relevant, but not all of it is usable in a few days or months' time. Filter out data in priority; top-secret, sensitive, critical, essential and general. As a rule of thumb, if you cannot re-create a particular set of data, they are crucial.

Test your backups

Even the experts in IT know you cannot ignore the importance of testing your backups. Testing allows you to identify loopholes, bugs or compatibility issues that might compromise your data safety. More to it, testing your backup plan allows you to estimate the amount of time your backup process takes before completion.

If you are testing your backups manually, you might need to copy the zip file from your initial backup to another location. Otherwise, you may need to restore your entire site after testing.

Observe the 3-2-1 rule

The 3-2-1 is the most basic rule that informs the technique with which to back up your data. It implies creating three copies of the data in question, two of those stored in separate physical locations and one off-site.

This rule gives you a promise of convenient data access in case disaster compromises a particular location. This kind of redundancy is needful, in case the first backup fails during restoration.

Use both automatic and manual backups

While some prefer manual backups over automatic one, both are essential for the backup process. Manual backups give you more control over the backup process, while automatic backups take away the stress of having to remember to back up your data.

However, even if you choose automatic backups, you need to check that the backups are running, or otherwise run the chance of losing your data if the backup process did not commence, did not run properly, or because of hardware failure or media filter.

Although these fantastic tips and tricks will set you ahead on data backup, there is more to be done, whatever the case, emphasize on data security before data storage, because the essence of it all is to protect your data for future retrieval.

[Top Image - Secure Data Management Blog]

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