Germany-based multinational engineering and electronics company, Bosch, has joined hands with US-based semiconductor company, Nvidia in a mission to gift the world with an artificial intelligence (AI) system for autonomous vehicles.

Bosch CEO Dr Volkmar Denner and Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang announced the association at the recently held Bosch Connected World event in Berlin, which is the German company’s annual Internet of Things (IoT) event.

The partnership will see both the companies coming together to give birth to an AI self-driving car computer, which will be built on Nvidia’s highly performing deep learning software and hardware. The AI will allow people to train their vehicles remotely, operate them autonomously and even update them easily via the cloud. The AI will be made available to the mass market.

According to details unveiled at the Berlin event, the AI self-driving car computer will be based on Nvidia’s high-tech Drive PX technology, an open Artificial Intelligence car computing platform that will give automakers and suppliers the power to speed the production of their autonomous vehicles.

In addition to this, the platform will boost of the freshly announced, currently in vogue Xavier AI supercomputer. For the uninitiated, the Xavier AI supercomputer is the world’s first single-chip processor conceived and developed to achieve Level 4 autonomous driving – the level at which a car is capable of driving itself without having any human intervention. According to Nvidia, the Xavier AI chip can process up to 30 trillion deep learning operations in a second while consuming just 30 watts of power.

This technology, which is an amalgamation of surround vision, deep learning and sensor fusion, enables vehicles to understand their surroundings, locate themselves on an HD map, and select a safe route forward for itself, all in real time. This is what makes it is so precise and successful.

According to Nvidia, the company is hopeful of delivering a technology enabling Level 3 autonomous driving capabilities by the end of 2017, and Level 4 capabilities technology by the end of next year. Level 3 is the level at which the car is capable of driving itself but still requires human guidance in certain situations.

The company's CEO also noted that while many big brands like Tesla, Ford and Audi are currently working on delivering an autonomous vehicle technology of their own, such vehicles would be requiring unprecedented levels of computer power which is unfortunately not possible for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to currently provide.

Since no one can predict all the infinite number of scenarios that could take place on a road, hence it is almost impossible to write a coded software that can drive on itself. But, according to tech experts, this challenge can be solved to a certain extend with all the recent breakthroughs made in the field of deep learning and artificial intelligence.

Leading Tech experts are optimistic that AI now has the power of gifting sufficient learning capabilities to a vehicle which can help it in better understanding how to handle unexpected situations on the road. However, the real challenge here is to train the AI on a masses of data, scenario and situations so as to make it learn how it needs to react in order to ensure that the vehicle can make a safe progress in the widest range of potential situations that it might encounter while on the move. But, Bosch and Nvidia seemed to be ready to take on this challenge with all their might. Let's see if they're successful in their mission.

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