Whether it's your coffee or your aircraft seat, nowadays everything can be customized as per your taste and need. So, why shouldn't the hospitality sector offer its customers the same thing? Well, we might be able to customize our rooms, their facilities, but the one thing that every hotel guest has ever wanted to do was to customize their hotel bills according to their stay hours. This particular dream of every frequent hotel guest was realized when a few short-stay startups like Stayuncle.com, Mistay.in and 6hourly.com etc. entered the hospitality sector. Joining this short-stay hotel segment race is a Noida based startup called Brevistay.

Started by four engineering graduates in May, 2016, breviStay claims to be a one stop solution for one's way to hotels in a totally customized manner. With breviStay by one's side, they can book quality hotels stay for a short period like 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours or a day long and then pay accordingly to the number of hours they have booked the room for. The added bonus, no fixed check-in/check-out time.

Having started their journey only a few months ago, the startup is currently only catering to short-stays hotel needs in Delhi and Noida. One can book themselves a breviStay either over a call or visiting their website. In order to make the service more user-friendly, the startup plans to launch their android application by the end of this month.

According to the startup, the response from customers has been quite promising, with almost 10-15 inquiries coming their way through various sources for people looking for rooms in Noida or Delhi.

Brevistay is a concoction of ideas and hard work of the fantastic four -- Prateek Singh, Aditya Naithani, Shubham Agarwal and Ronak Khandelwal.

Prateek Singh- Having graduated in Computer Science and Engineering from Amity University, Noida, Prateek's fluent skills in C, C++, Java and B2Bi is helping Brevistay grow and become better each passing day. Currently, at Brevistay, he is responsible for mainly handling the operations of the startup. In addition to this, he also provides technical assistance to the team.

Aditya Naithani- Since Aditya's expertise lie in Web development as a full stack developer, he is responsible for all technical related aspects of Brevistay. Also a graduate in Computer Science and Engineering from Amity University, Noida, Aditya has an experience of working as a freelancer for various companies and as a full time employee for Shiksha Overseas.

Shubham Agarwal- Handling the research and planning department at Brevistay, Shubham is a graduate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Mohali. Prior to Brevistay, he has worked as a Marketing analyst for MagicPin. In addition to research and planning, Shubham also provides marketing assistance to the team.

Ronak Khandelwal- A graduate in Mechanical and Automation Engineering from Amity University, Noida, Ronak handles the Marketing and Client acquisition at Brevistay. Prior to this, he worked for an year as a Business development Manager at Greymeter.

With Brevistay, the four co-founders aim to make short-stays a luxury that everyone can enjoy rather than being just available to a selected few in a few elite hotels.

In order to achieve the same, their immediate plan is to expand to 6 cities including Jaipur, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Gurugram by the end of this month, and provide 30-50 bookings in a day.

The bootstrapped startup, is currently on a lookout for funding.

Let's see if Brevistay is able to survive its competition and make short-stays a reality for everyone in India.

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