
4 Ways Technology Can Revolutionize E-Commerce Space in India

The impact that tech-savvy customers are having on the e-commerce world these days is not just stronger than ever, it's faster than ever. Gone are the days when customers would wander online trying to determine if an online order was worth the risk. Instead, technology today is helping customers keep track of their purchases, and fluctuating the ways in which those consumers interact with online retailers.

These trends, in turn, are affecting the big picture. As technology changes business-to-consumer transactions, new opportunities for both sides of the sphere are budding. Consumers now have access to a range of tools that help them gauge prices, find alternatives, locate stores and receive coupons. Retailers are seeing benefits as well, as technology helps them make stronger connections with consumers and build their brands faster.

Altogether, the picture of business-to-customer is changing as new technology is evolving continually in the e- commerce industry. Some retailers are planning to create and sustain customer value by providing sophisticated digital experiences that deliver orders more quickly, blend physical and digital capabilities, and simplify ordering procedures.

Qtrove was started by Vinamra Pandiya and Prashanth Nagarajan with a mission to empower local entrepreneurs who produce cruelty-free and environment-friendly products. Qtrove aims to be a curated marketplace that exhibits and sells such products from small entrepreneurs across the country. At they aim to achieve customer satisfaction by providing them with natural and sustainable products that are non-mass manufactured and which can be replaced with their mass produced counterparts in their households. For Qtrove, Content and community comes first followed by commerce.

"Our approach is diametrically opposite to that of big e-commerce giants which are selling brands and are focusing purely on transactions whereas Qtrove wants to create a seller-focused, democratic, self-sustaining marketplace," concludes Pandiya," says Vinamra Pandiya, CEO and Founder,

While interaction Pandiya highlighted few points which define how technology will bring revolution e-commerce space?

Here's How:

Mobile Apps Are Changing Consumer/Retailer Relationships

Apps are now providing retailers with an opportunity to connect with consumers that go beyond the boundaries of a brick-and-mortar business. Brands no longer have to wait for consumers to walk into their shop or spot an ad that prompts them to engage with the business. "Now, businesses can reach consumers everywhere. Even when customers aren't shopping, retailers can still be on their minds. The constant presence of a brand’s app on a customer's phone reminds him or her that that brand is out there, as an option. Location-enabled interactions, which deliver messages to customers who enter shops, are getting customers back into actual stores," says Pandiya.

Retailers Are More On Consumers' Minds

"Yesteryear’s email notifications are swiftly being crowded out by marketers in favour of smartphone push notifications. These features and their apps allow marketing teams to command consumer attention as never before,' says Pandiya. Promotions that once got filtered out by spam detectors or were scrolled over by consumers can now grab a user's attention right at his or her home screen. Retailers are harnessing these updates to keep customers updated and informed about new promotions.

Personalised Customer Experience Is Growing

The fact that consumers want personally relevant shopping experiences is nothing new. What is new? It's the fact that technology is making personalization standard. These marketing techniques are becoming a popular method for those looking to build a loyal customer base. "With the advent of mobile personal assistants, e-commerce sites are realizing that automated services no longer cut it. To better serve customers, e-commerce sites are finding that they must adapt to the new customer service standards set by technological improvements. This means servicing customers on the various channels they have access to." says Pandiya. Brand websites, email, Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram are all being used by customers to connect with brands. Today’s e-commerce sites have to use these platforms to connect with customers.

Consumers Like The Convenience Of Faster Delivery And Lower Prices

Convenience has been the number one driving force behind e-commerce sites’ success. With the increasing demand for convenience, however, same-day delivery features are posing new challenges. Online stores, for example, may encounter the need for higher price tags: Putting a driver behind a wheel for same-day delivery is far from cheap. But technological help is on the way. "In the near future, solutions to the delivery obstacle, at least, will come in the form of automated vehicles and drones. E-commerce behemoths like Amazon are already looking to pave the way with such technology. For now, sites aiming to gain a competitive edge are offering consumers faster deliveries with lower prices, says Pandiya.

With the near arrival and growing popularity of these technological advances, the e-commerce industry will likely adjust to leverage new capabilities for faster delivery rates and customer satisfaction.
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1 comment

yash warang said...

It already has revolutionized Ecommerce

both, mystorymag


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